Scan Solutions and Placeholder announce a highly-beneficial partnership between their MRZ Scanner and barKoder Barcode Capture SDK's

Due to popular demand, Scan Solutions Ltd and Placeholder EOOD have announced a partnership which will see their clients having access to both a Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) scanning and barcode scanning software solutions for their mobile apps. Even though still in early stages, both companies will tirelessly work on increasing the compatibility and ease-of-integration between their solutions in the upcoming period.
Both the MRZ Scanner SDK and the barKoder Barcode Capture SDK can be integrated in native Android and iOS mobile applications, regardless of whether the application tends to support an Enterprise or a Consumer-based scenario. Both products have already extended support for Flutter and React Native, some of the most widely-used frameworks for building cross-platform applications. While MRZ Scanner already supports Xamarin and Cordova, barKoder is a few steps away from announcing its support for the same, while also pledging to soon unveil support for Web Assembly, extending its compatibility to be integrated in a variety of web-based applications.
The MRZ Scanner SDK is an already established product, being present in the market for over 5 years. Its algorithm allows for reading of the MRZ code found on a variety of biometric documents, including passports, identity cards and visas. Scan Solutions have published a free demo application available through both Apple App Store and Google Play Store, featuring the core features of its MRZ Scanner SDK.
The same application has also a PRO version for a more robust and professional use, offering multiple ways of extracting the results of all succcessful MRZ scans along with a much longer scan history and an ad-free experience.
The barKoder mobile scanner SDK is a relatively new product in an established market, already developed to be as advanced if not more than other competitor API's. Its robust barcode reading engine can be used to read the content of the most widely used 1D (Codabar, Code 11, Code 25, Code 32, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, EAN, Interleaved/Industrial 2of5 MSI Plessey, Telepen & UPC) and 2D (Aztec Code, Data Matrix, PDF417, QR Code) types of barcodes with lightning fast speed and unprecedented recognition rate.
With the latest version of the barKoder's mobile barcode scanner SDK, several new algorithms were introduced, including their revolutionary Batch MultiScan engine, which can be used for scanning multiple barcodes regardless of type within a single camera view in a continuous manner as the camera moves to new regions of interest, as well as the specialized DPM reading mode for scanning Data Matrix codes engraved via Direct Part Marking (DPM) methods, that is already beating all of its competitors that offer similar features in terms of both speed and scanning rate.
barKoder has also made plenty of other improvements, including the implementation of specialized algorithms for handling recognition of severely blurred, as well as deformed or misshapen EAN & UPC barcodes. The barKoder development team is currently working on a unique Augmented Reality (AR) implementation, which they hope to release before the end of this calendar year, along with further improvements of their Region Of Interest (ROI) Localization engine. All features available via the barKoder Barcode Capture SDK can be explored through their free demo app Barcode Scanner by barKoder, available for both Android and iOS-based mobile devices.