
MRZ Scanner Use Cases

MRZ Scanner can be used in border control, onboarding, hotel check-in, tax refund, verification processes...

MRZ Scanner use cases

MRZ Scanner can be used everywhere as it works offline and directly on the smartphone. Data is then simply transmitted to the client’s server at a later moment in time. MRZ Scanner ensures the highest level of data security and makes sure that the needed information is provided quickly and easy.

Border Control

MRZ Scanner will optimize and simplify your workflow! Use your mobile device to read passports while you’re still agile since you’re not bound to a specific reading device. MRZ Scanner provides a high accuracy rate and doesn’t require a server connection, increasing the speed of detection even more. No sensitive data leaves the mobile device!


The passport & ID* implementation lets you easily extract all the important information from IDs* and passports right on the spot with your smartphone! At conferences or for physical access control for explicit buildings or rooms – MRZ Scanner is your reliable partner for extracting data from Travel Documents. You can run the extracted information through your backend database to check if it is correct. With its automated flashlight option, MRZ Scanner also works under poor lighting conditions. The scanning process works about 20 times faster than the manual data entry of a person’s details.

*only IDs including MRZ

Hotel or Venue Check-in

Optimize and digitalize the check-in registration process via app by integrating MRZ Scanner. MRZ Scanner reads the MRZ (Machine Readable Zone) from the passport/ID provided by the hotels’ guests and turns it into useful digital output that is saved in the your system. MRZ Scanner can also automatically make a copy of the document so no further equipment such as a copy machine needs to be provided. This eases the registration process for both tourist accommodation staff and incoming guests. Making this process quick and uncomplicated would also make incoming guests begin their stay in a positive and relaxed way.


Mobile passport scanning offers a solution which is effortless for your customers to complete but provides you with multiple data points to register them with. Best of all, it’s an almost instant process by simply pointing the mobile device’s camera at ID cards, passports and other identification documents. Real-time data capture and MRZ recognition from passport or other ID document doesn't require to save images, this guarantees data privacy during customer onboarding process. You may have also realised that mobile passport scanning gives your customers the possibility of onboarding themselves from any location. This added flexibility is sure to improve your onboarding rates and lead to more successful registrations.

Tax Refund

If you offer tax refunds at a store or airport or you provide POS terminals, MRZ Scanner can simplify the process and make it much more convenient for you and your customers! By scanning the passport number and letting your customers skip the tax-free paperwork, the payment process is so much faster and easier! Scan the passport as your customers pay for their purchase and they’re good to go, with the tax already refunded! Easy as that!

Powerful tech features of MRZ Scanner

Works Offline

No Sensitive Data Leaves the Phone


Works Under Poor Lighting Conditions

Lighting Fast

Scanning works 20x faster than entering the data manually

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